Labels:crt screen | dialog box | earth | hakham | monitor | sky | stairs | web site | window OCR: Breton manufacturing process The Plant SECTION "I" SLAB MANUFACTURING cj A belt conveyor advanc es with step-by-step motion, over the fransfer thus making if possible to carry out simult taneously the following process phcses positioning of the lower sheet of the sheath; distribution pup leveling of the mixture on the lower element of Seque the slab positioning sheath; molding of the compac COV ering tion IS sheet; accomplished by combination of vibration pud compression of the aerated mixfure under vacuum. Thus producing C nearly ep -aerated compound. fransfer of the compac ec slab to the catalysis system. Source Bretonstone@ System Section Section 54 MANEAGTURING convevo transfer simultaneously phases Sequential distributior evelinc combir natior essior fure slat